Mission: Alan Steinfeld created New Realities as media platform to help change modes of thought. The focus is on expanding consciousness in order to be aware of greater perceptions and greater truths in which we can experience and create. Thank you for being here as part of the New Realities community of visionary change agents.
— Events —

EVENTS for 2024
January 9th – UFO Disclosure talk at the Kollective at 25 East 1st street, 7pm
January 12th-14th TCCHE in San Diego with Bruce LIption, Lynne McTaggart & others
February 9th-12th Conscious Life Expo at the LAX Hilton – Alan will be speaking along with Drs. Hurtak as well as emcee activities.
March 8th – 10th – Sedona Ascension Ascension Retreat: https:sedonaascensionretreats.com
— Interviews —

New Realities first appeared on Manhattan cable (MNN) as a vibrant alternative to the mainstream commercial ideas. SInce the in the mid-1990s Alan has hosted and produced this award-winning television series featuring dialogues with leading experts in the mind, body, consciousness movement, music, sound healing and the arts. This include such evolutionary leaders as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Greg Braden, visionary artist Alex Grey and over 2,500 additional interviews.
— Books —

MAKING * CONTACT: Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence presents multiple perspectives on what no longer can be denied: UFOs and their occupants are visiting our world. The book answers the questions which remain in the wake of the recent Pentagon’s disclosures as to who and why these beings are here.
— Articles —

Over the years Alan has contributed articles on the arts, metaphysics and UFOs to various publications.